The purpose of this activity is to open an office once a month for all those who want to know more about:
a) the organization;
b) for our work,
c) for programs, including field visits whenever possible together with program officers.
On March 17, 2021, from: 14:00, we visited the staff of the NGO "Academy for Social Development" from the municipality of Fushë Kosovë, with representatives: Liridona Makreshi, Ramize Shabani, Arjeta Shala, Remzije Makreshi, Linda Hyseni, Xhejlane Azemi, Ismete Qyqalla etc.
The girls had the honor to meet with the director of the NGO Mr. Isak Skenderi, and with representatives from the Program of Education, Anti-Gypsyism, Employment, Women's Empowerment and Housing.
The girls, in addition to being closely acquainted with the mission, vision and scope of our NGO, they also had very interactive conversations with each of the programs, learning more about the objectives, work and activities they carry out.